Friday, July 20, 2012

Telling Races

Hari Raya is around the corner...

Mum: Jackie, do you have any Malay friends in your class?
Jackie: Yes.
Mum: How many?
Jackie: Three!
Mum: Actually how do you tell if they are Malay or Indian?
Jackie: They all go to Malay class for Mother Tongue.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Learning about Rights

A church pastor shared about her experience as a child when she found out that the new set of compass that she bought from school was rusty. She was too afraid to tell her mother about it for the fear of getting scolded for buying a bad set. After hearing that, I decided to enquire into the mind of my 6 year-old using the same scenario.

Mum: Jackie, so what would you do in that situation if the compass set you just bought from the school bookstore turns out to be rusty?

Jackie: I would wash and clean it.