Friday, August 26, 2011

Spitting and Urinating Not as Bad as Littering

Mum: I don't get it, why littering has a heavier fine?
Jackie: Because littering will make Singapore look ugly, but for urinating and spitting, you can't see it, so less fine.
Mum: What?
Jerrie: Because, you have to hire cleaners to clean the litter. You can't see urine and spit, so no need to hire cleaners.
Mum: What??
Jason: Those who urinate in public are mostly kids.
Mum: And those who spit are probably the coughing old folks? So, these people have concession?
Jason: Hahaha

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Iconic Steve Job

Jerrie (flustered): What's happening to these icons (on the iPad). They are now all over the place, so messy, something is wrong!
Mum: Something is wrong?
Jerrie: Yup, it's all because of the boss.
Mum: Boss? What boss?
Jerrie: The boss (Steve Job) is gone now, so things have become very messy. Now nobody to press the control button to put things together.

(On 24 August 2011 Steve Job's resignation was announced through the media.)

Monday, August 15, 2011

The birds and the bees

9-yr-old Jerrie asks Mum how one gets pregnant and what is meant by "to have sex". So, matter-of-factly, Mum tells Jerrie about the birds and the bees.
And Jerrie's reaction: What do you mean? You mean have to go to the hospital to put it in?

Friday, August 12, 2011


Jackie on learning that Jerrie is upset that her teacher has forgotten to bring stickers for the class.

Jackie: The teacher forgot to bring the stickers because stickers are not so important things.

Mum: Yah, stickers are not so important, so what do you think is more important.

Jackie (without a moment of hesitation): Name stickers!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Following closely the advice of a parenting book, Mum was eager to try asking this question to Jackie to find out where her interests lie.

Mum: Jackie, you know I met this amazing man today. He knows everything and anything about this world and can answer anything question people ask him. If you also have the chance to meet him and learn from him, what would you ask him?

Jackie: I would ask him why he knows everything.

Mum: LOL