Saturday, March 12, 2011

Is it egg or bread?

Mummy cooked fried eggs for breakfast.

Jackie: Mummy, you guess how I choose my fried egg?
Mummy: The one that is the smallest?
Jackie: No.
Mummy: One that looks most browned.
Jackie: No.
Mummy: The one that is the least browned?
Jackie: No.
Mummy: Okay, how do you choose?
Jackie: The one that comes with the smallest piece of bread.
Mummy: ???!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I am surprised too, dad!

On their way home from childcare one evening...

Jackie, big-eyed, looking up in great anticipation of an answer: Daddy, you guess what I got for my spelling test today!

Daddy: Ha, 5 upon 5!

Jackie: No, only 1 upon 5.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I cannot let go

Daddy teaching Jackie how to forgive others...

Daddy: Jackie, learn how to let go. When others have apologised and said sorry to you, stop whining and harping on it, let it go.

5 minutes later...

Jackie: Daddy, Jiejie (sister) made fun of me...I CANNOT LET GO because she never said sorry!