Saturday, September 24, 2011

What is BT?

Dining at Ikea Cafe...

Jerrie: Jackie, I'm going to wash my hands, see you at BT!
Jackie: Okay!
Jerrie whizzed off.
Mum: Jackie, what is BT?
Jackie: I cannot tell you.
Mum: Big toilet?
Jackie: No.
Dad: Boy's toilet?
Jackie: No
Mum: Hmmm...come on, tell me what's BT, Jackie!
Jackie: I also don't know.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Why go to bed?

Jerrie (reading her school science magazine): Mum, why do you have to go to bed?
Mum: Sleep.
Jerrie: Wrong, because it cannot come to you.
Mum: Huh? Science?

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Adam and Madam

Dad is talking to Mum about Adam Khoo, one of his business clients.
Jackie: Who is Adam Khoo?
Mum: Dad's client.
Jackie: What's his name?
Mum: Huh? of course it's Adam.
Jackie: Oh, Adam is a name? I thought Madam is for a woman, so Adam is for a a man, just like Miss and Mister....

Sorry, Did I fart?

In the car...

Mum: Oops, who just farted?
Silence for 10 seconds
Mum: Nobody? Come one, who?
Jackie: Is it me...?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Big Eyes

Mum: Jackie, you are pretty.
Jackie: But Jiejie's (her sister) and Chloe's (her cousin) face are nicer.
Mum: Huh?
Jackie: They have very big eyes, I have very small eyes.
Mum: Your small eyes are very pretty!
Jackie: But big eyes can see more things.

Please Don't Sleep

Mum dozed off while sitting next to Jackie who is eating her snack.
Jackie: Ahhhh! (a sudden hysterical cry)
Mum got jolted out of her slumber: What what, what happened?
Jackie: I'm very scared. When you fall asleep, I feel like I am all alone at home.

Naughty Boys

Jackie: I like Yiming. (Note: Yiming is Jackie's friend in the childcare centre.)
Mum: Oh, any reason for liking him?
Jackie: He is naughty. I like all the naughty boys.
Mum: Okay, but why?
Jackie: Naughty boys have nice faces.
Mum: Hahaha...hmmmm, your boy cousins, who do you like most.
Jackie: Cannot tell, otherwise they will complain.

Number 10 is Scared

Jerrie: Solve this riddle. Why is 10 scared?
Mum: No idea, why?
Jerrie: Because 7 ate 9.
Mum: Hahaha
Jackie: I know why, because 10 is a big number, big numbers have to be alone so 10 is scared.

Mum’s Note: Jiejie (Jackie’s sister) is 10 year-old, and sometimes she stays at home alone.

My Favourite Number

Jackie: Mum, do you know what is my favourite number?
Mum: No...
Jackie: Guess
Mum: Duno
Jackie: Number seven
Mum: Really, why?
Jackie: Because I like to watch the 7 o'clock TV programmes.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Jackie: 我们不可以吃太多咸的东西.
Mum: 对.
Jackie: 吃太咸, 会变男生.
Mum: 什么?
Jackie: 头发掉了, 就变男生了.

Advanced Learner

Jackie (who is now in K2): My friends say I know a lot, and I should be in Primary 2.
Mum: Haha, you are one clever girl.
Jackie: But I told them that my mum said I can be in Primary 3.
Mum: Oh, I said that!

Black Light

Jackie: This is a very good touch light.
Mum: Oh really.
Jackie: It has many different colour lights...
Mum: Nice.
Jackie: But it doesn't have any black light.
Mum: Black light??