Tuesday, June 21, 2011

This New Place is Old

Checking out the shopping mall of Resorts World Sentosa Singapore for the first time.

Mum: I don't like a bit the brown I see here...terrible...
Jackie: Yah...this place is lousy, even the floor is cracking.
Mum: :<

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Crux of the Matter

At Wang Cafe, Plaza Singapura drinking tea.

Jackie: Mummy, I don't like this place (making a few horizonal oval shapes in the air with her hands while emphazising "this place".) You know why?
Mum: I know, because the tables here are far too crammed.
Jackie: No, not that.
Mum: Then why?
Jackie: Because of the opposite chicken cutlet shop.
Mum: Oh, but why? You love to buy the chicken cutlet from them.
Jackie: Yes, but I don't like the auntie there.

My Mum and Dad

It's Fathers' Day.

Mum: Jackie, do you know how old is Daddy?
Jackie: I don't know.
Mum: How old do you think Daddy is?
Jackie: I guess...99 years old?
Mum (laughs): What about Mummy, how old do you think I am?
Jackie: 13 years old.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Funny Faces

Names of News Printers

Mom is reading the newspaper and 5 yr-old Jackie looks on.

Jackie with a curious tone: Who are the printers of this newspaper?
Mom (baffled): What do you mean, as in the printers' names?
Jackie: Yes
Mom (with a grimaced face): Well, they are Tom, Dick, and Harry.
Jackie (looking pleased with the answer): Oh Tom, Dick, Harry...and who else?

Which Day is Important

Over dinner, chatting about Kungfu Panda 2 Movie which the family watched a couple of days ago.

Mom: I can't really remember the story of Kungfu Panda 1 anymore...can you all remember?
Jackie: Yes, I do, but which day did we watch it, Monday or Tuesday?
Mom: ???? (did I miss something somewhere??)

Yesterday and Today

Mom: Jackie, what's today's date? I've lost count of the days.
Jackie: Er, I know, what's yesterday's date?
Mom: ?????

En's Ant Joke

A joke from my quirky niece: 4 ants line up in a single file, all facing the same direction. The 1st ant says, "3 ants are behind me", the 2nd ant says, "2 ants are behind me", the 3rd ant says, "1 ant is behind me", and the last ant says, "3 ants are behind me"...why does the last ant say that???

Ans: They are in a circle?
Reply: No, they are in a straight line.
Ans: He is the # 1 ant?
Reply: No, he is the 4th ant.
Ans: ‎The last ant changed his facing to become first ant?
Reply: No, there is no change in the direction they are facing.

Real ans: The last ant is lying.